Sabtu, 14 Maret 2009



Bleach (ブリーチ, Burīchi, diromanisasi-kan sebagai "BLEACH" di Jepang) adalah serial manga yang dikarang oleh Tite Kubo (久保 帯人 Kubo Taito), mangaka dari Zombie Powder. Serial Bleach mulai diterbitkan sejak tahun 2001, dan semenjak penerbitannya, serial ini sudah diadaptasi menjadi sebuah serial anime, dua buah OVA (Video Animasi Orisinil), satu film layar lebar, satu musikal rock, dan beberapa judul video game. Kompilasi manga (Tankōbon) Bleach sudah terjual sebanyak 39 juta kopi di Jepang. Manga ini diserialkan dalam mingguan Shonen Jump.

Bleach bercerita tentang Ichigo Kurosaki, seorang pelajar SMA yang memiliki kemampuan untuk melihat arwah, dan juga Rukia Kuchiki, seorang shinigami (dewa kematian) yang pada suatu hari bertemu dengan Ichigo sewaktu sedang memburu arwah jahat yang disebut hollow. Pada saat Rukia bertarung melawan hollow tersebut, ia terluka dan oleh sebab itu ia tidak memiliki jalan lain selain memindahkan kekuatan shinigami-nya kepada Ichigo. Sejak saat inilah petualangan Ichigo dan Rukia dimulai. Mereka berdua bertualang mencari dan melawan para hollow dan melaksanakan upacara penguburan arwah untuk para arwah gentayangan. Dengan upacara ini, para arwah gentayangan menerima pembersihan dan mereka dapat dikirim ke Soul Society (surga atau nirwana, yaitu akhirat dalam cerita ini). Bagian awal dari cerita ini difokuskan kepada karakter-karakter dan masa lalu mereka, dan bukan terfokus pada dunia pekerjaan shinigami. Seiring jalannya cerita, hal-hal seperti kehidupan shinigami di Soul Society mulai terungkap sedikit demi sedikit.


Manga Bleach pertama kali diterbitkan bulan Agustus 2001 dalam mingguan Shonen Jump terbitan Shueisha. Sampai tanggal 26 Mei 2007, sebanyak 276 bab sudah diterbitkan (rata-rata sekitar satu bab per minggu). Manga ini juga sudah dikompilasi kedalam 27 volume tankōbon, juga diterbitkan Shueisha. Volume pertama dari manga ini terjual lebih dari 1.250.000 kopi di Jepang. Pada tahun 2005, Bleach mendapatkan penghargaan prestisius Shogakukan Manga Award dalam kategori manga shōnen.

Serial anime Bleach ditayangkan setiap hari Rabu di stasiun televisi TV Tokyo dan juga stasiun-stasiun yang ter-afiliasi. Serial ini diproduseri oleh TV Tokyo, Dentsu, dan Studio Pierrot, dan disutradarai oleh Noriyuki Abe. Desainer karakternya adalah Masashi Kudō, dan komposer musiknya adalah Shiro Sagisu. Episode pertama Bleach ditayangkan pada tanggal 5 Oktober 2004. 63 episode pertama diadaptasi langsung dari manga-nya, sedangkan 46 episode berikutnya adalah produksi orisinil untuk anime-nya saja. Mulai dari episode 110, jalan cerita dalam serial anime-nya kembali ke jalan cerita dalam manga, walaupun ditambah dengan elemen-elemen dalam ke-46 episode sebelumnya. Sampai sekarang, belum ada rencana untuk mengakhiri produksi serial ini. Selain itu, dua buah OVA telah diproduksi, dan juga dua buah film layar lebar yang berjudul Bleach: Memories of Nobody dan Bleach:The Diamond Dust Rebellion == Catatan kaki ==‘ yang mulai dirilis di Jepang pada tanggal 16 Desember 2006. Menurut jajak pendapat online yang diselenggarakan TV Asahi pada tahun 2006, Bleach menempati peringkat ke-7 anime ter-favorit di Jepang.

Di Amerika Serikat, manga Bleach diterbitkan oleh Viz Media, dan serial anime-nya ditayangkan di Cartoon Network. Sedangkan di Indonesia sendiri, manga-nya diterbitkan oleh m&c comics mulai bulan Oktober tahun 2007.


Awal cerita Bleach dimulai dengan kehidupan seorang siswa SMA bernama Kurosaki Ichigo di Kota Karakura yang bisa melihat roh. Pada awalnya Ichigo hanya bisa melihat roh plus (arwah biasa), namun pada suatu hari ia bertemu dengan seorang shinigami bernama Kuchiki Rukia yang kemudian membawanya pada pengetahuan bahwa ada keberadaan roh lain selain plus yang menjadikan roh biasa, shinigami, maupun manusia sebagai makanannya, yang mana dikenal dengan nama Hollow.

Ichigo dan Rukia kemudian terlibat dalam pertempuran dengan seekor Hollow (Fish Bone D) yang mengincar Ichigo karena kekuatan spiritualnya yang besar. Dalam pertempuran itu ayah dan adik-adik Ichigo terluka karena serangan Hollow, begitu pula dengan Rukia. Agar bisa mengalahkan Hollow tersebut, Rukia berniat untuk meminjamkan sebagian kekuatannya kepada Ichigo. Namun yang terjadi justru seluruh kekuatan Rukia diserap oleh Ichigo dan membuat Rukia menjadi roh biasa.

Untuk mengembalikan kekuatan Shinigaminya, Rukia kemudian memutuskan untuk tinggal sementara di dunia manusia dengan menjadikan Ichigo sebagai pekerja penggantinya. Sejak saat itu Ichigo memulai hari barunya sebagai seorang Shinigami.

Bleach Karakter

Berikut ini adalah daftar karakter dalam seri manga dan animeBleach. Untuk kejelasannya, karakter-karakter disini dibagi atas tempat tinggal mereka: di dunia manusia, Soul Society, ataupun Hueco Mundo.

Selain informasi yang terdapat dalam bab-bab manga maupun episode-episode dalam seri ini, Tite Kubo memasukkan profil karakter-karakter pada bagian belakang beberapa volume buku Bleach, dimana profil karakter-karakter ini mengungkap kepribadian mereka yang tidak diungkapkan dalam jalan cerita utama. Kubo juga sering mengasosiasikan karakter-karakternya dengan lagu-lagu maupun musik tertentu dari berbagai macam genre dan artis. Dalam anime-nya, karakter-karakter ini didesain oleh Masashi Kudo.

Keluarga Kurosaki

Ichigo Kurosaki

Ichigo Kurosaki (黒崎 一護, Kurosaki Ichigo) is the protagonist of the Bleach series. The series begins with Ichigo receiving Shinigami powers as a result of a run-in with Rukia Kuchiki, the Shinigami assigned to patrol Karakura Town. These powers come at the cost of Rukia's own, and as a result, Ichigo concedes to work as Rukia's stand-in, fighting to protect people from evil spirits called hollows and sending good spirits, pluses, to Soul Society. Zangetsu, Ichigo's zanpakutō, was voted the 3rd most popular zanpakutō in a recent Bleach Poll.

For the most part, Ichigo appears like a normal teenage boy; the one exception to that is his spiky orange hair, a trait that he has been ridiculed about for years. He is a fairly tall person, with regular-colored skin and brown eyes. Also, since becoming a shinigami has become noticeably more muscular, as noted by his sister Karin.

Personality-wise, Ichigo is a stubborn, short-tempered, occasionally confrontational, spontaneous, determined, outspoken, strong-willed, witty, cynical, impulsive young man, and is extremely protective of his friends and family. This latter trait is the driving force behind most of his actions and almost all of the story arcs have stemmed from him rushing off to save someone, usually females.

He attempts to maintain a detached and "cool" image, despite claiming to not care about what other people think about him. For this reason, he generally keeps his face set in a permanent scowl. However, despite this "tough guy" image he tries to maintain, he becomes extremely shy and uncomfortable around nude or immodestly dressed women, a fact both Rangiku Matsumoto and Yoruichi Shihōin have teased him for. He is also rather cocky, and has been known to taunt and belittle his opponents when fighting. Conversely, he can also go into a state of deep depression when he loses a major battle or lets a friend down. Ichigo has a habit of misreading other people's names, such as Uryū Ishida and Yasutora Sado. One of the series running gags is that he keeps forgetting his classmate's faces and names, with his friends claiming he only knows half the class. However, he seems to remember names much easier later on in the series.

Although his cocky, hot-headed, and spontaneous nature (as opposed to his true personality) makes him appear rather dimwitted to more composed and calculating individuals (particularly Uryū), Ichigo is a capable analyst when required, and can instinctively catch on to some things much quicker than those around him. His natural orange hair and rebellious disposition tends to annoy many bullies in his school, who constantly pick fights with him. Ichigo claims that he does not care about other people's opinions about him (both in regards to his hair and other subjects), and seems to enjoy fighting people. Similarly, he is also a capable student, ranked 23rd in his school, studies regularly and doesn't neglect his schoolwork; he claims that he has "nothing better to do at home". It is later revealed that he works as hard as he does simply to overcome the misconceptions many teachers have about him, based on his hair color and interactions with other students. It is shown in a recent omake, that even with his shinigami status, he is still able to pass exams, though his teacher gave him remedial exams because of his constant disappearances.

Due to his constant fights with bullies, many students were rather afraid of him. Despite this, he has a warm and kind heart, defiantly looks out for those placed in his charge, and is to a degree, quite compassionate once he understands another's point of view. Rukia even states in the first movie that "he only looks scary". This trait makes him quite likable to children. As such, he has never threatened or raised his voice to his younger sisters, Karin and Yuzu. However, he has some trouble with authority and traditional respect, and is often quite rude and disrespectful when talking to those older than himself; he tends to call General Yamamoto "gramps" and refers to some captains (particularly Kenpachi, Byakuya, and Hitsugaya) by their given names, despite verbal protests from the latter two. However, he does give Japanese honorifics towards those who've earned his respect, such as Yoruichi and Ukitake.

Interestingly enough, several female characters in the series have possibly developed romantic feelings for him, often due to his inwardly compassionate nature, namely Orihime Inoue, Neliel Tu Oderschvank, Ririn, and possibly Rukia and Senna (in the first movie).

Powers & Abilities

Despite having very little official training as a shinigami, Ichigo Kurosaki fights roughly at the level of a captain, capable of fighting on equal footing against all but the toughest of enemies. Also, unlike most shinigami, Ichigo is able to fight with his full power in both the human and spiritual worlds. While captains and lieutenants have their power limited to a fifth of its normal level during trips to the real world in order to avoid unnecessarily influencing those living there, Ichigo holds no position in the Gotei 13 and thus has no such limit. It should be noted that some of his abilities are the direct result of training with former captains Kisuke Urahara and Yoruichi Shihōin; This includes basic swordsmanship, shikai, and at the time the unnamed Getsuga Tenshō technique from Kisuke Urahara, while Yoruichi trained him in basic flash steps, along with bankai (through Urahara's invention.)

Master Swordsmanship Specialist: In terms of fighting style, Ichigo relies mostly on his zanpakutō and the use of flash steps to move at high speeds, and thus would be considered a swordsmanship specialist. His training with Urahara taught him many things about swordsmanship, leading to his victory in earlier battles. His overall skill has been shown capable of competing on equal grounds against sword masters of Byakuya Kuchiki and Kenpachi Zaraki's caliber. He is basically on a learn as you go training regimen thus far his skill has developed by fighting rather then formal instruction. He like Urahara learned his bankai within a short time, even ahead of schedule. So far he has become even more capable with every fight, Having in turn defeated 3 Captains, a handful of seated officers and an Espada-level Arrancar.

Flash Steps Expert: During his training with Yoruichi, Ichigo learned how to use this technique so as to fight evenly with Byakuya. While not particularly versed in the various techniques, he was able to learn enough of the technique itself to keep up with and even surprise Captain-level Shinigami with his speed. Even Byakuya Kuchiki, one of the most proficient users of flash steps in Soul Society, complimented Ichigo's might and proficiency in it. In anime episode 57, Byakuya told Ichigo: "I see you've mastered the Flash Step", further complimenting his speed.

Expert Hand-to-Hand Combatant: Physically, Ichigo is in top form even when not in his spiritual body. Ichigo has been trained in martial arts since he was a small child, both professionally and by his father (although most of his father's training revolves around random sneak attacks throughout the day). He regularly fights with and defeats bullies and gangsters, and was at one point better martial artist than Tatsuki Arisawa, the second-strongest girl in all of Japan despite fighting with a broken arm in the last few matches of the competition. However, after he defeated her he stopped training. It should be noted that he was able to effortlessly dispatch three lieutenants bare-handed.

Vast Spiritual Power: Ichigo has been noted on several occasions to have tremendously vast levels of spiritual energy, even by captain-level shinigami standards. It is so overwhelming that even when worn-out in battle, he can continue fighting effectively while still capable of unleashing Getsuga Tenshō. Fourth Espada Ulquiorra Schiffer has claimed that Ichigo's spiritual power at its peak is even greater than his own, but that it fluctuates wildly when he is in conflict with his inner hollow. Due to the fact that he has far more spiritual energy than his body can contain, it leaks out constantly, preventing him from hiding it and effectively making stealth impossible when dealing with other spiritually-aware creatures. However, he has learned how to harden his spiritual energy and enhance the strength of his attacks or act as a barrier to reduce the impact of attacks on him, if not block them completely.

Enhanced Strength: When he is in his shinigami body, Ichigo's already impressive strength is greatly enhanced. His overall abilities are great enough that he can effortlessly wield Zangetsu with one hand, and in one case, even fought off three shinigami lieutenants and their released Zanpakutō bare-handed in rapid succession; he shattered one of their Zanpakutō in a single punch.

Enhanced Durability: Like all shinigami, Ichigo's physical endurance is strengthened to the point where he can effortlessly survive attacks that would easily kill normal humans. Ichigo is even capable of withstanding attacks that would be fatal to most shinigami, such as taking a direct hit from Grimmjow's explosive darts (though Ichigo's powers were augmented through the use of his hollow mask at the time) without any apparent sign of injury and could even withstand (with some effort) Ulquiorra Schiffer's cero blast.

Advanced Growth Rate: According to both Aizen and Urahara, Ichigo's most astounding ability is his growth rate: he grasps the basic control of advanced techniques in days where it would take several years for even the most gifted shinigami. One example is the bankai of his zanpakutō, which he learns in two days (albiet with the assistance of a special device invented by Urahara that was originally intended for three days). For a normal shinigami, this same feat would require several years of combat experience and at least ten additional years of special training. He also gains mastery of flash steps while training with Yoruichi, which was done over the same period as his Bankai. Ichigo was also able to learn how to detect another's spiritual energy (with no assistance), as he proved he can use a spirit ribbon to find Yuichi Shibata (in bird form), felt Chad losing spirit energy (but that he was alive), he sensed Rukia's strength weakened in Hueco Mundo, and in the second movie came from the city to countryside to check up something he had felt. In the Hueco Mundo arc, during his first fight with Ulquiorra, he is instantly incapacitated by one cero blast even with his hollow mask (which broke within a second), but only a few hours later, he is able to withstand another cero from Ulquiorra without undergoing hollowification and can analyze Ulquiorra's movements much better than before, whereas he "felt like [he] was fighting a machine or a statue", and failed to predict and counter his attacks. This feat, as Ichigo explains, was done either by experience, because Ichigo has become more of a hollow, or because Ulquiorra has become more of a human.

High-Level Intellect: Despite his somewhat punkish attitude, Ichigo has shown himself to be analytical, perceptive, and deductive. In his high school, Ichigo's grades are almost always near the top, despite his work as a substitute shinigami. Aside from that, Ichigo appears to be able to determine the pattern of his opponent's battle methods and correctly deduce a proper counter-strategy to defeat his opponents attacks; such as in his battles with both Ikkaku Madarame and Renji Abarai where he would have been successful in dodging their weapons, if not for unforeseen abilities. He is also fairly charismatic, and while some of his monologues aren't entirely inspirational and philosophical, he's able to gain the trust, respect, and friendship of even his greatest adversaries, often due to his inwardly compassionate nature and remarkable combat prowess. Additionally, it's worth noting that Ichigo has impressive leadership skills, and will sometimes act as the de facto leader of the Ryoka, despite the fact that Uryu and Renji occasionally compete with him over leadership responsibility (often due to their proud natures, equally-impressive intellect, combat prowess, and leadership skills), as seen in the Soul Society and Arrancar arcs respectively. Ichigo does exert some amount of power and authority over Urahara at times, likely due to Ichigo's aforementioned charisma, coupled with Urahara's respect for him. He will also devise and execute strategies with high speed and precision (although not nearly as much, and not in the same league, as Aizen and Urahara), and will personally lead rescue missions and large-scale assaults against his enemies.

Determination: It seems that Ichigo's power is tied to his determination or will to win. It's shown that when he focuses on victory, his strength is enhanced. In the anime, this is depicted by his eyes glowing bright blue, including when he is in his Vizard form, in which case his iris is a glowing yellow. This effect has been shown while he was battling Renji for a second time, and when he defeated his inner hollow. In his last battle against Grimmjow, Ichigo had most of his mask beaten off and was on the verge of collapse as Grimmjow prepared his finishing blow. However after noticing Orihime, who was saddened by watching him get hurt, Ichigo managed to catch Grimmjow's hand without effort or looking, and gripped tight enough to prevent him from moving away. Ichigo then managed to make a clean slash into Grimmjow (despite the fact he had lost most of the benefits from his hollow mask), whereas before most of the damage that he had inflicted that actually made Grimmjow bleed was from Getsuga Tenshō attacks. In his current battle with Ulquiorra, even after taking a direct hit from Ulquiorra's Cero Oscura and nearly incinerated, his is seen to be able to continue to fight and even use Getsuga Tensho.

Isshin Kurosaki

Isshin adalah ayah Ichigo yang agak nyentrik, aneh, tapi bisa berubah menjadi sosok ayah yang bijaksana pada saat-saat tertentu. Setelah beberapa lama serial Bleach berjalan (kira-kira sampai pada episode 130 pada serial Anime-nya), Isshin diketahui adalah mantan Shinigami yang berkekuatan besar sehingga hampir melampaui mantan Kapten Divisi 12, Uruhara Kisuke.

Powers & Abilities

When Isshin first appears in his shinigami uniform, he implies that he has abilities on-par to that of a Captain-level shinigami. This is further implied by the fact that he has a captain's haori strapped to his left shoulder as a type of strap. It is unknown what the extent of Isshin's shinigami powers is (Zanjutsu, Kidō, Hakuda, and Hohō). However, he was quick enough to bifurcate Grand Fisher before he realized it.

Master Swordsmanship Specialist: The only seen fighting once and for a few seconds, Isshin's skill in swordsmanship allowed him to effortlessly slice through Grand Fisher's giant zanpakuto without losing any visible momentum and still cut down Grand Fisher in the process with only his sealed zanpakuto.


The name of Isshin's zanpakutō has not yet been revealed. Isshin has only used it once as an example of how every captain-level shinigami must compress the sizes of their zanpakutō, as they would otherwise be swinging swords the size of skyscrapers, when he spoke to Grand Fisher. It is also worn with the edge down like a tachi, instead of the edge up like a katana. The end of the hilt has a tassel similar to Ichigo's original zanpakutō.

Karin Kurosaki

Karin adalah anak perempuan dari Isshin yang sinis dan sarkastis. Dibandingkan adik kembarnya yang lemah-lembut, Karin, ia lebih berjiwa kepemimpinan. Karin adalah seorang pemain sepak bola yang handal, bahkan tendangannya mampu mengalahkan hollow lemah. Sikap karin yang terlihat keras hati adalah disebabkan karena kematian ibunya. Ia selalu merasa tidak mahir dalam pekerjaan rumah tangga seperti halnya Yuzu, dan ia berjanji takkan pernah menangis agar ia tidak membebani keluarganya dengan masalah pribadinya. Karin adalah seseorang yang sensibel, dan tidak akan pernah ragu menendang ayahnya di kepala sewaktu ayahnya sedang bersikap tidak masuk akal. Pada mulanya, ia tidak percaya bahwa arwah itu ada, walaupun ia bisa melihat arwah-arwah itu seperti halnya Ichigo. Walaupun demikian, ia rela menggunakan kemampuan khususnya ini untuk mendapatkan sedikit uang, contohnya dengan bergabung dalam Pahlawan Super Karakura pimpinan Don Kanonji sebagai Karakura Merah. Karin sebenarnya mengetahui bahwa Ichigo adalah seorang shinigami dan ingin mengetahui mengapa Ichigo harus berkorban sedemikian rupa. Dalam bahasa Jepang, kata “Karin” adalah homonim dari “buah kwinsi Jepang” (sejenis buah pir), yang cocok apabila dibandingkan dengan “Ichigo” yang merupakan homonim dari “buah arbei”.

Yuzu Kurosaki

Yuzu adalah adik kembar tidak identik dari Karin (keduanya lahir pada tanggal 6 Mei), dan lebih lemah-lembut dibandingkan Karin yang keras. Ia juga lebih empatis dibandingkan Karin. Pekerjaan Yuzu adalah mengurus rumah tangga, seperti memasak dan merapikan ruang keluarga setiap hari. Ia juga memotong rambut Ichigo secara rutin. Yuzu senang bermain dengan Kon, walaupun ia tidak tahu bahwa Kon sebenarnya hidup. Ia sering mendandani Kon dengan pakaian perempuan, dan mengelem asesoris-asesoris ke tubuh Kon, yang membuat Kon seringkali merasa amat malu. Tidak seperti halnya Karin dan Ichigo, Yuzu hanya bisa melihat arwah secara samar-samar. Kedua adik kembar ini juga bekerja di klinik keluarga Kurosaki. Dalam Pahlawan Super Karakura, Yuzu adalah Karakura Kuning. Kata “Yuzu” berhomonim dengan “jeruk nipis Jepang”.

Masaki Kurosaki [Sudah meninggal]

Masaki, lahir pada tanggal 9 Juni, dan meninggal tanggal 17 Juni, adalah ibu dari Ichigo, Yuzu, dan Karin. Ia meninggal sewaktu Ichigo masih kecil, dan kematiannya sangat mempengaruhi keluarga Kurosaki. Isshin memasang poster besar Masaki di dinding dan kadangkala berbicara dan menangis di depan poster itu dengan jenakanya. Pada mulanya, Ichigo mengira bahwa ibunya ini meninggal karena tertimpa reruntuhan, namun beberapa lama kemudian barulah ia menyadari bahwa hollow Grand Fisher-lah yang membunuh ibunya. Sebenarnya, Grand Fisher pada awalnya ingin membunuh Ichigo, namun ia jadi membunuh Masaki karena kesukaannya terhadap korban wanita. Isshin dan Ichigo menyalahkan diri mereka sendiri atas kematian Masaki. Karena kematiannya, kepribadian ketiga anaknya berubah drastis. Ichigo, yang tadinya penakut kini menjadi pemarah, Yuzu yang tadinya cengeng kini berubah menjadi ibu rumah tangga yang handal, dan Karin yang tadinya juga cengeng kini menjadi keras hati.

SMU Karakura

Uryuu Ishida

Uryū Ishida (石田 雨竜, Ishida Uryū) is a classmate and companion of Ichigo Kurosaki and is introduced as the last Quincy. As such he first steps up as a rival upon learning that Ichigo became a shinigami. Later events, however, make him join forces with him against common enemies, and he eventually becomes one of Ichigo's best and most reliable friends. He participates in the rescue of Rukia Kuchiki from her prison in the Soul Society, and later helps Ichigo in an attempt to free Orihime Inoue from Hueco Mundo. In both cases he proves to be a valuable ally, as he is a quite adept and strong combatant, as well as extremely intelligent, which comes in very handy in the various difficult situations that Ichigo and his other friends are faced with. Ishida was ranked 5th most popular character of Bleach in the latest Shonen Jump Poll.

Uryū Ishida is a black-haired, bespectacled teenager of average height. At school, Uryū wears the school uniform along with a tie, while outside he dons white Quincy clothes with blue stripes representing the Quincy cross, and a mantle.

Uryū is generally shy and quiet, but tries harder to act cool when other people are around. For example, during the Soul Society arc he wears a mantle that serves no purpose other than to make him look cooler, despite the fact that it hinders his movement. He even keeps a spare to that effect. In addition, he also has a tendency to say things with characteristic drama.

Uryū operates on a moral ethic known as the "Pride of the Quincy" and has a strong sense of justice. He has also shown to be very chivalrous, stating that he enacts justice on men who abuse or treat women badly. He demonstrates this at multiple points throughout the series, such as when he tried to defend Rukia Kuchiki from Renji Abarai when he and Byakuya Kuchiki came to the real world to take her, or when he defends Orihime Inoue at multiple points throughout the Soul Society arc. Uryū also has a tendency to not use lethal force in battle, especially if he can win without doing so. Instead, he will simply incapacitate his opponent.

A number of times in the anime and manga it has been demonstrated that he harbors a crush or great affection for Orihime Inoue, one of his friends and classmates, that surpasses his normal chivalry alone.

Uryū does not hold his father, Ryūken Ishida, in high respect; he calls his father by his given name which is considered very rude in Japanese society. Despite this, in the anime Uryū seems mildly offended when Rukia commented that the Ishida's hospital (his father being the present director) is falling apart and Renji replies tactlessly that the hospital is only for show.

Uryū has low blood pressure and hates procrastination.The other things he hates are quite odd: buttons (despite being an expert in sewing) and the word "haphazard." His favorite food is homemade mackeral miso stew. The television program he likes is Don Kanonji's "Bura-Rei". The shadow that jumped out of the crowd at Kanonji's first appearance was in fact Uryū. Like his grandfather, Sōken Ishida, Uryū is left-handed, and he is also a great archer, capable of insane feats of archery.

Powers & Abilities

Having undergone formal training and possessing prior experience in combat, Uryū is one of the strongest protagonists in the series, with his victories roughly paralleling Ichigo's throughout the story. As a Quincy, Uryū's main weapon is a bow, but he is also able to use many Quincy techniques and items to augment his abilities, including some high-level techniques such as Ransōtengai, which are rare enough that even Mayuri Kurotsuchi, who had studied over 2000 Quincy, had never seen them in person. Uryū's trademark finishing move involves shooting spiritual arrows at his opponents through their chain link and soul sleep, depriving them of their powers and allowing him to win a bloodless victory.

Reiryoku Absorption: Uryū primarily absorbs spiritual energy from the atmosphere, and have an easier time collecting this energy in environments with higher concentrations of spiritual particles, such as Soul Society or Hueco Mundo. To a sufficiently powerful Quincy, there is no difference between spiritual particles and spiritual energy as a source of power.

Reiryoku Manipulation: He can manipulate spiritual energy for offensive purposes. Uryū most commonly reshapes spiritual particles into various types of bow and arrows, but can also concentrate spiritual energy into the form of swords(Seele Schneiders) or Silver Tubes.

High Spiritual Power: Ishida has displayed a great amount of spiritual energy. He has obviously mastered the Quincy ability of Reiryoku absorption, taking in spirit particles and spirit energy alike; This on top of his own energy reserves lends him plenty of strength in combat.

Quincy Bow & Spirit Arrows:

  • Quantity of Arrows- As the series continues, Uryū can fire higher amounts of spiritual arrows. His current limit of consecutive arrows is 1,200.
  • Enhanced Bows- As the series continues, Uryū's bow changes it's appearance a total of three times, each after an increase in power. He's even gained a new Quincy Cross, in the form of a Pentacle.
  • Licht Regen- A large amount of reiryoku is gathered at Uryu's left shoulder, much like when he used the Quincy Final Form. Here he fires a volley of 1,000 arrows, just under his limit, at a single target.

Genius-Level Intellect & Athletic: Aside from his Quincy powers, Uryū is well-trained in both mind and body, having substantial athletic abilities and a genius intellect. He uses his intelligence to find weak points in his opponents, even overcoming disadvantages he has through thinking on his feet. Due to keeping his physical prowess at it's peak, Uryū can easily hold out against all but the most resilient opponents during a battle.

Multilingual: He also possesses some knowledge of Spanish, as he understands the Spanish terms used by the Arrancar. Uryū told Yammy upon his defeat,"Mala Suerte," which means tough luck, before the latter fell through Las Noches.

Gintō Expert: He is able to use the spiritual energy stored in the silver tubes to create similar effects to Kido; Uryū can even use his own energy rather than the energy stored in s a silver tube. Gintō was his primary weapon of choice, albeit only, against an incomplete arrancar during the Arrancar Arc. He was only able to injure it before his father saved him, but this feat alone was great as he could not use any of his Quincy abilities at the time.

Seele Schneider Expert: Uryū is highly capable of using the soul cutting sword with great proficiency, and was able to defeat Cirucci Thunderwich easily after it's use, despite the lack of practice beforehand (Uryū had just recently stolen the weapons from his father's storage room.)

Ransōtengai (乱装天傀; lit. "heavenly wild puppet suit", "disheveled paradise puppet" in the Viz translation): A high level technique, known to be quit rare to ever be encountered. Uryū is well versed in the use of this ability, which was not possessed by a good majority of the former living Quincy.

Hirenkyaku Expert (飛廉脚; lit. "flying screen step/god step", "flying bamboo-blind leg" in the Viz translation): Uryū is highly skilled in the use of the technique. Even keeping up with Captain Mayuri Kurotsuchi, who complimented his skill, stating it was a skill that was hard to master, especially at such a young age. Uryū has recently shown a new variation of the technique, which creates a platform of reishi under the users feet. Originally used while travelling to Hueco Mundo, he has found use for it outside of the Garganta, and can carry others with him on the platform.

  • Sanrei Glove Master (Former): In order to match more powerful opponents he would face in Soul Society, Uryū trained using his grandfather's gift: The Sanrei Glove. Upon completing the necessary week of endurance training wearing the glove, his power was drastically increased. He now manifested a different bow, and increased all of his attributes, easily overpowering mid to low-tier shinigami. The glove dissipated upon removal, presumably becoming spirit particles.
  • Quincy Final Form (Former): Uryū was shown using this transformation once at the cost of his powers. It greatly enhanced his power to the point where he easily overwhelmed Mayuri Kurotsuchi, nearly killing him before his escape. Currently he cannot use this technique ever again.
  • Quincy Bangle Master (Former): During the Bount Arc, Uryū received this Quincy artifact from Nemu in order to regain his former powers. After a battle where Uryū was pushed to his limit, he figured out how to use this accessory without the risk of it self-destructing. He was able to master it's use in a very short amount of time, surprising and impressing Ran'Tao. The artifact was destroyed in his fight against Jin Kariya.


Lone Sparrow (Former) - When first introduced, Uryū used this bow that looks like a bow made from blue energy. Its size is dependent on the amount of energy flowing through it. With this bow, Uryū is able to kill most hollows in a single strike.

Lone Sparrow "Final Form" (Former) - As preparation for his travel to Soul Society, Uryū later masters the sanrei glove, greatly increasing his abilities. In this state, Uryū's bow is solid and covered in an intricate pattern. It is attached to his glove by a series of thin struts. This new bow allows Uryū to fire several shots simultaneously. By removing the glove, Uryū attains the Quincy Final Form. The Quincy final form gives him a vast increase in power, enough to defeat a captain class Shinigami with Bankai in only one shot. All the extra energy collects on his right shoulder, much like how a quiver is worn. As a result of removing the glove, however, the Quincy Final Form uses too much power for Uryū's body to handle, causing his body to block his Quincy powers completely after it wears off.

Lone Sparrow on a Silver Cliff - After Uryū regains his powers with the aid of his father, he uses this new Quincy cross, this one resembling a pentacle, and a variant of his original bow. This bow was first used during his battle with the Arrancar Iceringer, and several of its special abilities were later shown in his fight against Cirucci Thunderwitch. Unlike his original bow, this bow is shaped like a spiderweb. Using this bow, Uryū demonstrates the ability to fire up to 1,200 shots consecutively, ricochet individual shots against the walls inside Las Noches to enable him to shoot around corners and make the direction of his attacks unpredictable, and to change the direction of his shots while in flight. Uryu has also been shown using it as a temporary shield to block. Uryū also acquires new battle accessories, one of which is a new Quincy arrow called the "Seele Schneider" (魂を切り裂くもの, Japanese for "that which slits the soul", German for "soul cutter") that can double as an energy sword in melee combat.

Orihime Inoue

Orihime Inoue (井上 織姫, Inoue Orihime) is the classmate and friend of Ichigo Kurosaki. Like many other friends of Ichigo, she quickly develops spiritual powers of her own after Ichigo becomes a Shinigami. Later, she is abducted and forced to leave for Hueco Mundo by the Arrancar, the enemies of Soul Society, as their leader has set his eyes on her unusual and potent powers. Ichigo and her other friends set out to rescue her, despite going against Soul Society's orders by doing so.

Orihime Inoue has long orange-brown hair which she wears in bangs behind her ears and with hairpins. She does not remove her hairpins, except to sleep, as they are worn in memory of her brother, while her hair is worn long in honor of the promise Tatsuki Arisawa once made to protect her. Her large breasts are occasionally made the subject of jokes in the series. In one anime episode, while eating lunch with Rukia, Tatsuki, and some other school girls, they wondered why she isn't the size of a blimp. One girl commented that "her boobs absorb most of the calories". She also has an amazingly hard head, which has injured Uryū, Chad, and Ichigo. The only person who has been able to damage her head has been Yachiru Kusajishi in a comical moment when she is riding on Kenpachi Zaraki's shoulders. Orihime has brown eyes in color pictures of the manga, but purple-tinted gray eyes in the anime.

Orihime is friendly, humorous in her own way, sensitive, and kind. She comes off as naive and rather clueless, which is at odds with her exceptionally high marks in school. Apparently, she is hopeless when it comes to technology. One of the members of the Handicrafts' Club remarks that she is not smart enough to use a cell phone, which is why she does not have one. Additionally, according to Tatsuki, Orihime has the fighting skill of a black belt.

Orihime cooks and eats strange food at home, although she also likes some normal food. Aside from Rangiku Matsumoto and possibly Tessai Tsukabishi, no one shares Orihime's tastes. Her favorite food is red bean paste, and she likes putting butter on sweet potatoes.

Orihime has a tendency to rush into situations without thinking, sometimes leading to embarrassing consequences. At one point, the schoolgirls ask Rukia if she has feelings for Ichigo. When Rukia denies any such thing, Orihime is disappointed that Rukia does not share her sentiments, because if she had, then it would be two girls against one boy and therefore the girls "team" would win, which makes no sense. She also tends to have an overactive imagination and gets carried away thinking of implausible scenarios, such as portraying herself as a futuristic and apparently highly destructive robot in an assignment asking "How do you see yourself in the future?", when the question refers to what occupation one wishes or believes they will have.

Orihime has also demonstrated that she is perceptive, mostly when it comes to Ichigo Kurosaki. She has a crush on Ichigo,and later falls in love with him, and in both the manga and anime her feelings only become more evident as time goes on. She has revealed these feelings both to Rangiku Matsumoto and to Ichigo himself, though he was asleep at the time. She also has the uncanny ability to detect Ichigo by scent[10] and sense his Spiritual Pressure, even when masked by the Vizard.

Through her expanding role in the manga, Orihime has become a more complex character than her earlier archetype suggested. Where Orihime was more happy and goofy at the start of the series, later arcs deal with her feelings of inadequacy and inner turmoils. She also functions as a second female lead after the Soul Society arc, which was recognized when her character was featured along with female leads from other Weekly Shonen Jump series on a special Shonen Jump cover.

Powers & Abilities

Shun Shun Rikka (盾舜六花, Six Flowers of the Hibiscus Shield; Six Princess Shielding Flowers in the English anime): Orihime's power manifests itself as these six fairy-like creatures that reside in her hair-clips (shaped like six-petaled flowers, each fairy is two points on a given clip) when inactive. Though it has yet to be confirmed, it seems that the female Shun Shun Rikka (Shuno, Ayame, Lily) are on her left hairclip when inactive, while the male Shun Shun Rikka (Tsubaki, Baigon, Hinagiku) are located on the right. Through various combinations of the six fairies, Orihime has the power to reject fate by denying or undoing events in various forms. This power can be used for attack, defense, or healing (depending on the combination). Orihime's mood directly influences the effectiveness of her powers. Feelings like doubt or worry make them weaker, while conviction makes them stronger. At their height, her powers resemble those of a deity in strength. The Arrancar, Tesla, when capturing Orihime warns her not to try to attack him as he can easily break her Shun Shun Rikka, stating that they are exceedingly weak.

Orihime with her powers manifested and flying around her

Orihime's powers initially manifested during the duel between Ichigo and Ishida while trying to protect her friend Tatsuki from Numb Chandelier. She was trained by Yoruichi Shihōin in their usage before attempting to rescue Rukia Kuchiki from being executed in Soul Society. Curiously, Orihime's spiritual energy and powers resemble those of the vizard Hachigen Ushōda (who even compared her Shun Shun Rikka to a zanpakutō). Orihime mainly functions in a healing capacity, due to the nature of her powers. Despite her ability to inflict lethal damage, she is a pacifist and will only harm opponents to save someone's life.

The fairies are separate manifestations of Orihime's spirit, each with its own unique appearance and personality, and each named after a flower:


  • Ayame (あやめ, Iris) Voiced by,Tomoe Sakuragawa, English Philece Sampler

Ayame is a shy female spirit covered in a dress larger than her body. She is capable of healing together with Shun'ō.


  • Baigon (梅巌, Ume) Voiced by, Kiyoyuki Yanada, English Liam O'Brien

Baigon is a bald male spirit with a mask that covers the bottom of his face. He is capable of shielding Orihime from attacks along with Hinagiku and Lily.


  • Hinagiku (火無菊, Daisy) Voiced by, Daisuke Kishio, English Kirk Thornton

Hinagiku is a male spirit with a large eyepatch that ends in a horn. He is capable of shielding Orihime from attacks along with Baigon and Lily.


  • Lily (リリィ, Lily) Voiced by Rie Kugimiya, English Kate Higgins

Lily is a female spirit with bright pink hair, transparent yellow goggles, and a blue bathing suit. She has a tattoo on her backside. She is capable of shielding Orihime from attacks along with Baigon and Hinagiku.


  • Shun'ō (舜桜, Althea) Voiced by, Junko Noda, English, Dorothy Elias-Fahn

Shun'ō is a friendly female spirit with a topknot. She and Tsubaki are usually the ones who talk to Orihime. She is capable of healing together with Ayame.


  • Tsubaki (椿鬼, Camellia) Voiced by Toshiyuki Morikawa, English Wally Wingert

Tsubaki is a fiery male spirit who is the only Shun Shun Rikka capable of direct attack. He often strikes anyone who gets on his nerves (including Orihime). Because he is primarily focused on attacking, he is vulnerable to counter-attacks and has been injured several times. The stronger Orihime's anger and killing intent, the more powerful he becomes. However, Orihime's timid nature limits his overall power and has contributed to his injuries in the past. At one point, Tsubaki was killed by the Tenth Espada, Yammy, who crushed Tsubaki into tiny pieces. Orihime was distraught by this, and since the pieces were too small to find, she couldn't bring Tsubaki back. But due to meeting Hachigen, who said Orihime's powers were similar to his, she was able to restore Tsubaki without even having a piece of him.


Orihime's techniques involve incantations manipulating the Shun Shun Rikka into three different groups. Though Orihime initially needed to recite their kotodama to use her techniques, further training has rendered this unnecessary. Her kotodama consists of voicing the names of the members involved, followed by the technique name and the phrase "I reject" (私は拒絶する, watashi wa kyozetsu suru), a reference to the nature of her powers.

  • Santen Kesshun (三天結盾, Three Sacred Links Shield): is Orihime's defensive technique. The incantation arranges Hinagiku, Lily, and Baigon into a triangle, forming a barrier capable of repelling anything on the far side. Because the barrier rejects negative events, it can also function as an airbag of sorts, allowing Orihime and anyone else nearby to survive a potentially lethal fall unharmed. It would seem her powers with this technique have improved as she was able to block a attack from Ulquiorra Schiffer, the 4th Espada, in order to protect Ichigo Kurosaki. Despite the barrier breaking it was still an impressive feat.
  • Sōten Kisshun (双天帰盾, Twin Sacred Return Shield): is Orihime's healing technique, though it goes well beyond simple healing. The incantation summons Ayame and Shun'ō to form a half-oval barrier around whatever or whomever Orihime wishes. While active, the barrier repels all negative events inflicted upon anything within the barrier. No matter how extensive the damage may be (whether used on living beings or inanimate objects), the barrier can restore it to full working order, making it as if the object was never damaged in the first place. It can even resurrect the dead. The technique takes longer for more serious injuries, like losing a limb or an organ. Large amounts of foreign spiritual pressure also make healing more difficult, and with enough it may completely halt the process.

This is the aspect of her power that piques Sōsuke Aizen's interest in her since, in Aizen's words, she "violates the realm of gods." At first it was believed the technique required that Orihime have some piece of what she is healing to restore what's missing. She was unable to heal Tsubaki after his destruction because he was shattered into pieces too small to find. However, it has been suggested by Hachigen Ushōda, a Vizard with similar powers, that Orihime should be able to restore anything she wants without actually having a piece of it.

  • Koten Zanshun (孤天斬盾, Solitary Sacred Cutting Shield): is Orihime's offensive technique. The incantation summons Tsubaki, who forms a thin barrier to either side of himself. By flying at an enemy, the barrier can reject anything to either side of it, thus cutting through enemies like a sword. While Tsubaki can cut through basically anything, Orihime's general dislike of combat and hesitance to use lethal force degrades the effectiveness of the technique, making him easy to counter and equally easy to injure.

Spiritual Power: Orihime isn't that strong when compared to the majority of the characters, but she is strong enough to take out 2 unseated Shinigami soldiers without much effort. Uryu Ishida even notes that her Spiritual Pressure is greater than Makizō Aramaki of the 11th Division.

Combat: Orihime was at least strong enough to incapacitate 2 unseated Shinigami soldiers. She reveals that Tatsuki has trained her somewhat in karate; Tatsuki stated that Orihime's level was around the black belt level (yellow belt level in the English dub).

Ability to resist the memory chikan: Orihime was able to recall the event of her brother fighting Kurosaki Ichigo even though the memory chikan has been used on her by Rukia, showing that she may be able to resist the effects of the memory chikan.

Yasutora “Chad” Sado

Yasutora Sado (茶渡 泰虎, Sado Yasutora) is a teenager who studies in the same class as Ichigo Kurosaki. Because Ichigo first read Yasutora's name off a nametag, he pronounced his family name as Chad (チャド, Chado) due to the kanji, and Ichigo continues to call him this throughout the story.

Chad is a teenager of Mexican descent. He is extremely tall and appears to be much older than he actually is. Chad has a tattoo on his left shoulder which reads Amore e Morte ("love and death" in Italian) and consists of a heart, a snake and angel wings around the heart. In the series, he is usually seen wearing either his school uniform or a tee shirt. At one point in the series, he is seen wearing a dark, long-sleeved shirt with a rose emblazoned on the left sleeve. The rose may be in honor of his grandfather seeing as how his grandfather's name was Oscar Joaquín de la Rosa, de la Rosa being Spanish for "of the Rose." His first name can mean "Calm Tiger" when broken up into Yasu(calm)and Tora(tiger).

Chad is a quiet person and is sometimes the subject of jokes or bullies because he never fights back, against ordinary humans at least, since he often engages Hollows and Shinigami only when necessary. Nonetheless, he is treated equally within his group of friends in Karakura (Ichigo, Keigo and Mizuiro). Chad also has a weakness for cute things, like small animals and Kon, he is one of the few characters that actually treats Kon with any dignity but for the most part ignores him. To match his extraordinary size, Chad possesses extraordinary superhuman durability, even before activating his spiritual powers, being able to survive the impact of a falling steel girder on his back and a head-on motorcycle collision, and is strong enough to break telephone poles. Besides his physical strength, Chad has also shown to be very intelligent; he ranked 11th out of 322 when Ichigo ranked 23rd.

Chad likes music, but rarely watches TV. The only programs he like are Carnivore Kingdom, which starts at 8 a.m. on Sundays. He likes it so much that he bought the DVDs for it. Not surprisingly, since Kon is a cheap knock-off plushie of the main character of Carnivore Kingdom, Chad finds Kon especially cute. The other show is Don Kanonji's Ghost Bust. Chad also has a bass guitar, but has never been shown playing it. It has been shown in Chad's room in episode 69 and in the 8th anime ending sequence. It's also shown in episode 9 after a "band practice." He is also seen carrying it immediately preceding the appearance of the incomplete arrancar.

Chad is shown to have a very loyal personality. He is quite loyal to his friends, especially Ichigo, even going as far as to try and defeat a captain to go help Ichigo. In terms of luck Chad can be considered unlucky as whenever the group splits up he usually if not always ends up alone and encounters a powerful enemy who dispatches Chad quickly. He is also shown to be fearless and told so by numerous enemies such as the first hollow he fights. He displays little emotion except when something he cares about is in danger.

Powers & Abilities

Physically Enhanced: When first introduced, Chad had no special powers aside from his remarkable strength and endurance. Even without his powers, Chad is strong enough to break a telephone pole and swing it like a bat, and likewise is resilient enough to be hit by a falling steel girder, be clawed on the back by the Hollow Shrieker, and take a head-on collision with a motorcycle (and the driver was actually hurt worse thean himself) and only suffer minor wounds.

Spiritual Awareness: After his encounter with the cockatiel containing the soul of Yūichi Shibata, he started to detect the approximate locations of spirits and hollows, but could not fully see them. Only after saving Karin Kurosaki from a hollow, during the hollow-slaying match between Uryū and Ichigo, did Chad begin to fully see spirits.

Enhanced Speed: During his fight with Gatenbainne he develop his own form of speed similar to a Shinigami's Flash Steps altough given his powers being more closely related to that of a Hollow it could be a form of Sonido. Even without the armor's enhanced speed, he can still run faster the most normal humans.

Spiritual Power: At the same time that he became able to clearly see spirits, he also awakened his latent spiritual ability, which manifests as armor on his right arm called the:

Brazo Derecha de Gigante (巨人の右腕 ブラソ・デレチャ・デ・ヒガンテ, Spanish for Right Arm of the Giant). The armor is colored black with a red stripe going down the center and two white stripes surrounding it (the same colors used on Mexican military dress uniforms). Chad's armor increases his strength beyond its already impressive level, and enables him to fire powerful energy blasts from his fist. After receiving training from Yoruichi Shihōin, Chad learns to activate his powers at will and gains enough stamina to fire multiple blasts.

After seeing how helpless he was against the arrancar who invaded Karakura Town, Chad requested that Kisuke Urahara train him. Urahara proceeded to pit him in single combat against Renji Abarai's Bankai. He noted Chad's powers still had room to grow, but they did not resemble those of a Quincy or Shinigami. After training with Renji, Chad gains an improved version of his armored arm. Compared with its previous form, the pattern on Chad's arm becomes more intricate, and gives him an even greater increase in physical might. Chad also gains a new special attack called:

El Directo (巨人の一撃 (エル・ディレクト), Japanese for "The Strike of the Giant", Spanish for "The Direct"): To perform it, the flanges on Chad's arm open up and he punches the enemy. It is a powerful special attack.

Brazo Izquierda del Diablo (悪魔の左腕, (ブラソ・イスキエルダ・デル・ディアボロ), Spanish for "Left Arm of the Devil"): It looks similar to his original armored arm but the color is inverted and it has a more streamlined appearance. It also looks like Ichigo's Hollow arms from when he was working to control his Hollow transformation with Hiyori Sarugaki. A spike protrudes from the shoulder and two more extend over his chest. With this arm, Chad gains a special attack known as:

(魔人の一撃, (ラ・ムエルテ), Japanese for "The Strike of the Demon"; Spanish for "The Death"): To perform it, he charges up and punches his opponent, releasing a huge skull-shaped energy blast on contact. While this new power is easily enough to defeat a former espada, he couldn't even injure the current 5th espada Nnoitra Jiruga.

Tatsuki Arisawa

Tatsuki Arisawa (有沢 竜貴, Arisawa Tatsuki) is a student at the Karakura High School, in the same classroom as Ichigo Kurosaki, her childhood friend and karate partner. When they were children, Tatsuki regularly saved Ichigo when he was getting beaten up, as well as cheering him up when he was upset. A tomboyish karate practitioner with dreams of becoming a vale tudo champion, and already ranking Japan's second strongest in her age group, Tatsuki seems to possess no stereotypically feminine qualities as is typical of female manga characters. Her only obvious feminine trait is how she writes her name: using hiragana: (たつき), though this is because she thinks it looks feminine while she considers the kanji of her name un-cute.

Personality-wise, Tatsuki is protective and level headed most times, unless someone has done something to her. She uses her great strength to beat up anyone that bugs her. Strangely, she has a lot of insight on Ichigo's personality.

Tatsuki is best friends with Orihime Inoue and is constantly protecting her from men looking for a date, to say nothing of Chizuru Honshō- the school lesbian who often approaches and grabs Orihime's breasts. Tatsuki has done this since middle school, when she beat up some bullies that were trying to cut Orihime's hair, and had already done so once before her brother died. After that, Tatsuki promised to protect her from anyone who dared to make her cry, and she and Orihime became best friends.

Like many of Ichigo's friends, Tatsuki is spiritually aware to the point that she can clearly see ghosts, hollows, shinigami and other such supernatural phenomena, though she lacks any unique spiritual powers of her own. She is strong enough to survive spiritual attacks most humans are incapable of dealing with, though this may be due to her karate training. She also has the ability to sense Orihime from almost anywhere, even across dimensions; she is able to sense Orihime when she travels to Soul Society, but remarks that she can't sense her presence after Orihime is taken to Hueco Mundo.

She has shown a very estranged side of her though at some points, mainly showing it to Orihime when their disscussing her affections toward Ichigo. One part, that was cut from the anime, Tatsuki actually was disappointed in Orihime that she didn't take advantage of Ichigo when he thought she was hurt. She then went on to teach Orihime on how to take advantage of Ichigo.

Keigo Asano

Keigo is typically a goofy and an extremely hyper-active character, often using overly-dramatic movements and words to act out his feelings. In other respects, he is the stereotypical Japanese teenager: he enjoys watching fireworks, playing role-playing-games, going to beach parties, and so forth. Originally little more than a source of comic relief, Keigo becomes a more prominent character later in the series. The Asano family consists of Keigo's mother, father, his sister Mizuho, and Keigo himself. Like Tatsuki Arisawa, he is unusual in that he lives with both of his parents, unlike many other recurring characters in the series.

A good-natured teenager, Keigo is used mainly for comical effect, usually in situations involving failed attempts to woo girls and interacting with Ichigo. He is good friends with fellow student Mizuiro Kojima, whose calm, innocent demeanor, and success with women acts as a foil to Keigo's impulsive, wannabe personality. Strangely enough, a classmate of Ichigo's sisters, Midoriko, has a crush on him. Apparently, she likes how "he always has a little smile, even when he's alone."

Keigo appears to be a shallow character at first glance, with a passion for slacking off. Indeed, he takes great pride in not making it to the honors roster (higher than the 50th ranking) and labels those who do so "traitors" (including Ichigo and Chad, who made the 23rd and 11th ranks respectively). However, Mizuiro states that Keigo is much smarter than his bad grades show. Keigo is also a quick learner; he successfully blocks Rangiku Matsumoto's kick after being attacked by her just once, but brags about it and leaves an opening leading to him getting kicked in the face.

Keigo, like many of Ichigo's friends, is spiritually aware as a result of constant contact with Ichigo. While he can see spirits and other such supernatural phenomenon, he has not manifested any unique abilities, much like Tatsuki. He only becomes aware of the fact after seeing Ikkaku Madarame in battle, having dismissed his previous sightings as shootings for a TV show.

Mizuiro Kojima

Walaupun wajahnya manis dan cara berbicaranya lembut, Mizuiro sebenarnya gemar wanita yang lebih tua. Seperti halnya karakter-karakter dalam anime, ia selalu berhasil mendapatkan wanita yang diinginkannya. Sewaktu bersama Keigo, ia seringkali minta izin untuk pergi lebih dulu untuk berkencan dengan seorang atau lebih dari seorang wanita (seringkali lebih dari seorang). Dalam bab ekstra pada volume 12 manga Bleach, ternyata diketahui bahwa sebelum SMP, Mizuiro tidak memiliki banyak teman. Ia juga amat jauh dengan ibunya, yang jarang berada di rumah. Belakangan ini, juga diketahui bahwa ternyata Mizuiro memiliki kesadaran spiritual penuh seperti halnya Tatsuki dan Keigo, dan iapun melihat Ichigo, Chad, dan Uryu pergi ke Hueco Mundo.

Chizuru Honshou

Karakter yang satu ini mengaku bahwa dirinya lesbian, dan sepertinya bangga akan hal itu. Chizuru seringkali mengejar-ngejar Orihime Inoue, teman sekelasnya. Namun, Tatsuki selalu menghalanginya. Chizuru memiliki rambut merah, dan memakai kacamata berbingkai merah. Ia memanggil Orihime “hime“, yang selain merupakan kependekan dari “Orihime”, juga berarti “Puteri”. Menurut Chizuru, Tatsuki juga sangat cantik, tapi karena Tatsuki terlalu tomboy, ia kurang cocok dengan seleranya yang lebih menyukai wanita feminin. Chizuru juga sering menggoda Kunieda, Mahana, dan Michiru dalam beberapa kesempatan. Ia menempati peringkat ke-31 di kelasnya dalam ulangan umum.

Ryou Kunieda

Ryou adalah perempuan dingin dan berkaca-mata (walaupun ia biasanya melepas kacamatanya sewaktu tidak diperlukan). Ia adalah siswi yang amat pandai (menempati peringkat ke-2 di sekolah), dan biasanya terlihat sedang belajar. Sebagai bintang olahraga lari di sekolah, ia bisa berlari sejaun 100 meter dalam waktu 12 detik persis.

Michiru Ogawa

Michiru seringkali terlihat bersama Ryo Kunieda, dan merupakan teman sekelas Ichigo yang berteman dengan anak-anak perempuan lainnya termasuk Orihime, Tatsuki, dan Chizuru. Ia biasanya hanya jadi pengikut teman-temannya saja dan bukannya menjadi pemimpin, dan menurutnya, Ichigo memiliki wajah yang menyeramkan.

Mahana Natsui

Mahana juga seringkali terlihat bersama Ryo Kuneida, dan juga merupakan teman sekelas Ichigo yang berteman dengan Orihime, Tatsuki, dan Chizuru. Walaupun jarang terlihat, ia adalah seseorang yang ramah dan agak bawel.

Mizuho Asano

Mizuho adalah kakak perempuan Keigo yang agak menakutkan dan sulit diatur. Mizuho selalu menyuruh-nyuruh Keigo berbuat ini-itu, seperti membeli jus dari mesin penjual jus kaleng otomatis. Apabila ia terlambat, ia akan menendang Keigo di selangkangannya. Sewaktu Keigo membawa Ikkaku dan Yumichika masuk ke rumahnya, Mizuho menyambut mereka dengan senang hati. Walaupun ia mengatakan bahwa alasan mengapa ia menerima Ikkaku dan Yumichika dengan senang hati adalah karena ia ingin menjadi seorang “kakak yang baik”, namun alasan sebenarnya ialah bahwa Mizuho suka dengan pria berambut gundul. Mizuho senang berbicara dengan nada seksi, dan seringkali memamerkan lekuk tubuhnya kepada lelaki-lelaki yang ia anggap tampan. Hal ini sering membuat Keigo malu.

Reiichi Ooshima

Reiichi adalah anak lelaki dengan rambut yang dicat oranye. Ia selalu menantang Ichigo karena merasa bahwa Ichigo mencuri gayanya. Walaupun ia mengaku bahwa ia kuat, namun suatu kali, ia langsung kalah telak ketika Chad (yang pada waktu itu sedang terluka) memukulnya dengan satu pukulan saja.

Ichirou Nanbuken

Ichiro adalah siswa yang menempati peringkat ke-4 nilai tertinggi di sekolah.

Misato Ochi

Misato adalah wali kelas Ichigo. Ia adalah seseorang yang mudah bergaul, dan selalu percaya akan alasan-alasan yang diberikan oleh murid-muridnya (bahkan alasan konyol dan tidak masuk akal sekalipun, contohnya jatuh dari tangga, dan sebagainya). Ia bahkan tidak keberatan dengan Ichigo dan teman-temannya yang memiliki bakat spiritual tiba-tiba keluar dari kelas tanpa minta izin terlebih dahulu. Ia juga tampaknya tidak terlalu peduli bahwa murid-muridnya tidak terlalu menangkap isi pelajaran yang ia berikan. Sewaktu Ichigo kembali ke kelas setelah absen beberapa minggu, ia hanya menghukumnya dengan sangat ringan (dengan memukul pelan kepalanya dua kali menggunakan buku).

Tetsuo Momohara

Tetsuo adalah teman sekelas Ichigo yang mencoba untuk membujuk Ichigo masuk ke klub ekstrakurikuler Karate. Ia juga marah karena Ichigo tidak ingat siapa dirinya. Setelah Renji dan Byakuya membawa Rukia kembali ke Soul Society, Tetsuo duduk di bangku yang tadinya diduduki Rukia.

Toko Urahara

Ururu Tsumugiya

Ururu adalah anak perempuan berambut hitam yang sangat lembut dan penurut. Di toko Urahara, tugasnya adalah melakukan pekerjaan kasar, dan juga membantu Urahara sewaktu melatih Ichigo. Ururu adalah Karakura Merah Jambu dalam grup Pahlawan Super Karakura pimpinan Don Kanonji, dan senjatanya adalah meriam bercorong ganda. Sewaktu ia diserang oleh hollow atau sedang terluka, kelakuannya berubah menjadi seperti robot. Jinta juga mengatakan bahwa apabila berada di dekat makhluk spiritual seperti arrancar, reaksi Ururu sangat aneh. Pada saat seperti demikian, Ururu hanya bisa membedakan yang mana yang pada hakikatnya benar, dan yang mana yang pada hakikatnya salah tanpa menimbang-nimbang lebih jauh situasi sebenarnya. Contohnya, ia akan menganggap apapun sebagai “musuh” apabila “musuh” itu dapat membahayakan dirinya, dan menganggap bahwa semua musuh itu harus dibasmi.

Sifat Ururu yang sangat lembut itu sepertinya tidak sesuai dengan kemampuan bertarungnya yang walaupun belum pasti, namun lumayan tinggi (Urahara pernah mengatakan bahwa kemampuan bertarung Ururu adalah setingkat dengan “kebalikan shinigami”). Khususnya, kekuatan kaki Ururu jauh lebih kuat dari seharusnya, bahkan lebih kuat dibanding Kon sewaktu berada dalam tubuh Ichigo. Kemampuan bertarung Ururu terbukti pada saat ia memberikan arrancar Ilfort Grantz tendangan mematikan di kepala sewaktu arrancar tersebut bertarung dengan Renji Abarai. Bahkan, Ilfort Grantz harus mengeluarkan zanpakuto-nya setelah itu. Dalam versi anime, Ururu juga memberikan tendangan kuat kepada Baura, boneka ikan paus raksasa milik Sawatari.

Powers and Abilities

  • Spiritual Power
  • Enhanced Strength: Despite her meekness and size, she is frighteningly strong to the point of attacking with lethal punches and kicks. Just a few of her punches were enough to draw blood from Yylfordt Granz and force him to execute Resurección.
  • Enhanced Speed: She can move at high speeds, catching an Arrancar off guard.
  • Suspension in the Air: Ururu has the ability to be suspended in the air while spinning like the Shinigami can (as if there is an invisible platform in the air.)
  • Adept hand-to-hand combatant: Ururu has fought Ichigo before, using nothing other than her fighting skills, and was able to force Yylfordt Granz into his Ressurección using those same skills.

Jinta Hanakari

Jinta adalah anak laki-laki kecil berambut merah yang seharusnya bertugas mengerjakan pekerjaan kasar di toko Urahara, namun biasanya ia bermalas-malasan dan memaksa Ururu mengerjakan semua pekerjaannya. Ia bercita-cita ingin menjadi bintang bisbol, dan juga adalah Karakura Merah (posisi yang ia perjuangkan untuk mendapatkannya karena Karin Kurosaki juga ingin mendapatkan posisi sebagai Karakura Merah) dalam Pahlawan Super Karakura pimpinan Don Kanonji. Jinta tampaknya menyukai Yuzu Kurosaki, dan ia memanggil Yuzu dengan sebutan “sang dewi”. Dalam bagian bonus pada episode anime Bleach, Jinta menunjukkan kesukaanya terhadap Yuzu dengan memberikan Yuzu diskon sewaktu Yuzu berbelanja di toko Urahara, dan sewaktu Yuzu memberikan jimat keberuntungan kepada Jinta, Jinta memperlakukan pemberian Yuzu itu sebagai benda yang amat sangat penting dan berharga (sebenarnya, jimat keberuntungan itu adalah tubuh boneka Kon yang diikat dengan tali). Seperti halnya anggota toko Urahara yang lainnya, Jinta kelihatan bijak dan dewasa sewaktu ia sedang serius. Walaupun ia sering menggangu dan menggencet Ururu, sebenarnya Jinta menyayangi Ururu. Hal ini terlihat sewaktu ia membopong Ururu setelah Ururu dilukai oleh arrancar Ilfort Grantz. Seperti Ururu, Jinta memiliki kemampuan bertarung yang bisa dibandingkan dengan kekuatan shinigami, walaupun tidak se-ekstrim Ururu. Senjata utama Jinta adalah sebuah tessen (sejenis kipas besi) besar.

Tessai Tsukabishi

Tessai adalah seorang lelaki bertubuh besar dan berotot, dan selalu mengenakan celemek. Pekerjaannya di toko Urahara tidak begitu jelas, tapi Tessai adalah asisten pribadi Urahara dalam urusan bisnis maupun urusan lainnya. Tessai memiliki keahlian menggunakan kido (seni iblis) dan hal ini terbukti pada saat ia menggunakan mantera pengikat tingkat ke-99, yang mungkin merupakan mantera yang paling sulit diantara mantera-mantera sejenisnya. Tessai juga memiliki kekuatan fisik yang besar, dan ini terlihat sewaktu ia mampu menghancurkan kepala sebuah hollow menggunakan satu pukulan telapak terbuka saja. Ia juga sangat bangga akan toko Urahara. Sewaktu Orihime memuji keindahan ruang bawah tanah toko Urahara, Tessai berterima kasih kepada Orihime sambil menangis terharu. Namun, sewaktu Soifon mengatakan bahwa toko Urahara sempit dan sumpek, Tessai langsung tersinggung, dan bahkan Urahara harus menahan dan menenangkannya. Tessai juga merupakan salah seorang dari sedikit orang yang menganggap masakan Orihime lezat (contoh lainnya adalah Rangiku Matsumoto). Tessai berusia lebih dari 200 tahun, terbukti pada saat ia mengatakan kepada Rukia bahwa mendengar kata “Quincy”, ia jadi teringat saat 200 tahun yang lalu.

Powers and Abilities

Kidō Master: As the former captain of Soul Society's Kidō Corps, Tessai is extremely skilled in this regard, as he has demonstrated the ability to use a level 99 binding spell as well as a level 88 destructive spell without incantation.

Enhanced Strength: He is also shown to have great physical strength, made apparent by his ability to smash a hollow's head to pieces with a single, open-palmed thrust.


He has not been shown to carry a zanpakutō, but he did carry a shakujō during his time in Soul Society. It is possible that his zanpakutō is sealed within that in much the same way as the ones of Kisuke Urahara or General Yamamoto. It is also possible that the shakujō is the Shikai of his zanpakutō.

Mod Soul (Jiwa Modifikasi)


Kurōdo (蔵人, Kurōdo) also known as Claude or Cloud, is a Mod Soul created by Kisuke Urahara as a Bount detector.

Kurodo is a bespectacled man with a mustache and two-tone hair color (black to the right, yellow to the left). He wears a gray top hat, multi-colored suit and tie, as well as dark brown boots, giving him an appearance similar to a circus manager. His plushie body is a rabbit-esque purse. He is partnered with Orihime Inoue. He has the ability to shapeshift, and can replicate the abilities of others when he does so (although he can't replicate the power levels of said abilities).

He is somewhat cowardly and is terrified of snakes. His longwindedness and actions often provide comic relief. He is also somewhat perverted, like Kon, or at the very least is thankful for the opportunity to be held by attractive women (being a purse helps in this regard). Rukia seems to like him because he resembles Chappy the Rabbit in his stuffed animal form.

Powers & Abilities

Shapeshifting: Kurōdo was designed with the unique ability the change shape, able to match a person's appearance and voice without them noticing. He can sometimes replicate abilities too. However, as Patros noted, anyone who senses spirit energy would be able to tell him apart from the real person.

Ability Manipulation : Kurōdo's aforementioned shape-shifting also grants the capacity to enable him access to the abilities of the person/entity he's imitating at that time, along with their corresponding weaknesses. However, he is not able to mimic their power level to the same caliber, effectively disabling him from using much more advanced techniques that the original person that he's impersonating may or may not be already capable of, like a Shinigami's Bankai. In combat, he generally shifts into Renji's guise in order to fight


Ririn (りりん, Ririn, Lirin in the English Dub) is an anime only Modified Soul, created by Kisuke Urahara to serve as a Bount detector.

Ririn, while in her gigai form, is a small girl with short blonde hair wearing a pink, fur-trimmed coat, a purple bird-shaped cape, and red boots. When not in her gigai', she inhabits an anthropomorphic bird plushie. Her special ability is the creation of illusions. She acts as the leader of the trio (herself, Noba, and Kurōdo), and has a fondness for games. She is partnered with Ichigo Kurosaki. At first she disliked Ichigo due to their conflicting personalities, but now she has grown to be very fond of him, even becoming at times extremely jealous of Rukia Kuchiki's close relationship with Ichigo. She can be petty and arrogant at times, but she shows real concern for her friends. She has stepped into harm's way more than a few times to help save Ichigo, Rukia, Kon, and others. She often looks down on Kon as inferior, which causes frequent arguments between the two.

Powers & Abilities

Illusions: Ririn was designed with the unique ability to make illusions. She can even change the appearance of an environment.


Noba (之芭, Noba) More commonly known as Nova. In his gigai, he appears as a handsome young man in a fur coat with a shield on his back and a zippered mask, with a slim build, red hair, and aqua eyes. His attire makes him look somewhat like a ninja. He inhabits an anthropomorphic turtle plushie in grey dress trousers and a white ruffled shirt with a red bow tie when out of his gigai, which Chad purchased specifically for him. He's very quiet, rarely speaking more than a few words (Usually only responding to a question by saying "no problem") and also rather shy with women, zipping up his hood when he wishes to show emotion while in his gigai, or pulling his head into his shirt while in his stuffed animal form. One example of this is when Rukia Kuchiki picks Noba up in his stuffed animal form and holds him close to her face, he is seen to blush at the close contact and lowers his head into his shirt, or when he works together with Rangiku Matsumoto while fighting one of the Bount having to change out of his gigai because they had to touch. He is partnered with Yasutora Sado, who is equally quiet. The two seem to get along well, since they are similarly industrious, silent and willing to fade into the background.

Powers and Abilities

Space Warp


Ryuuken Ishida

Ryūken Ishida (石田竜弦, Ishida Ryūken) is the son of Sōken Ishida and father of Uryū Ishida. The Director of Karakura Hospital, he is also known as the last Quincy, a status contested by his son.

Ryūken appears to be a cold, work-oriented man, and is apparently estranged from his father and son. He detests his status as a Quincy on the grounds that it does not enable one to make a proper living, and would rather focus on saving the living instead of the dead. He even goes so far as to state that the Quincy would become extinct once Sōken's generation died out, urging Uryū not to follow in his grandfather's footsteps.[1] Even though Ryūken scorns his status as a Quincy, his tie has blue crosses all over it, an obvious reference to the Quincy cross. During the anime's Bount arc, there are blue crosses all over the floors and walls of Ryūken's hospital, as well.

Despite his attitude towards being a Quincy, he helps to restore Uryū's lost Quincy powers on the condition that he never associate himself with Shinigami again, even if they were his friends. To this end, he constructed a secret chamber underneath Karakura Hospital which hides Spiritual Energy.

Strangely enough, Ryūken also shares a relationship with Isshin Kurosaki not unlike that of their sons (though seemingly friendlier; Isshin comments that Ryūken never called him "Kurosaki" before in a slightly hurt tone). He comments on Isshin's newly regained powers when the latter pays him a visit, and the two exchange banter about their sons and parenting styles. Their friendship was briefly mentioned when Chad was injured with Isshin telling a hospital worker to tell his boss that Kurosaki needed them and some beds would clear up (though it may have seemed at the time like this was more a threat then a favor).

Powers & Abilities

Despite turning away from his Quincy heritage, Ryūken is nonetheless extremely powerful. His skill level as a Quincy surpasses that of his son, who is considered a genius by the avid Quincy researcher Mayuri Kurotsuchi. In fact, he knows all the skills and techniques known to the Quincy, having inherited his father's power. When he first appeared as a combatant, Ryūken defeated two incomplete Arrancar with two shots, one to kill each arrancar. Having undergone formal training and possessing prior experience in combat, Ryūken is most likely one of the strongest characters in the series.

Quincy Bow & Arrows: The basic weapon of all Quincy, used to kill hollow. Ryūken has mastered his bow extensively to the point that he can fire arrows one-handed, and kill an incomplete arrancar in one shot (the arrancar he killed was actually two, and he used two arrows, or one for each.)

Ryūken's Quincy Cross, in the form of a Pentacle.

Reiryoku Absorption: All Quincy primarily absorb spiritual energy from the atmosphere, and have an easier time collecting this energy in environments with higher concentrations of spiritual particles, such as Soul Society or Hueco Mundo. To a sufficiently powerful Quincy, there is no difference between spiritual particles and spiritual energy as a source of power.

Reiryoku Manipulation: He can manipulate spiritual energy for offensive purposes. He most commonly reshapes spiritual particles into various types of bow and arrows, but can also concentrate spiritual energy into the form of silver tubes. Like all Quincy, Ryūken uses a bow as his primary weapon, but unlike other Quincy seen thus far, Ryūken is capable of willfully changing its size and can fire multiple shots at once. He can also fire arrows one-handed and at rapid-speed. His bow is white, rather than blue.[4] In the anime, it has a more metallic look to it and is solid, compared to most Quincy bows. Ryūken uses a pentacle to create his bow, and although the artifact is not cross-shaped, it is still called a Quincy cross.

Gintō Master: Ryūken is able to use the spiritual energy stored in silver tubes to create effects similar to Kidō. He can also use his own energy rather than the energy stored in a Silver tube, as seen during the training session between him and his son.

Seele Schneider Master: Ryūken is presumably highly capable of using the soul cutting sword with great proficiency, as he excels over his son in all Quincy techniques.

Genius Intellect & Athletic: Aside from his Quincy powers, Ryūken is well-trained in both mind and body, having substantial athletic abilities and a genius intellect which surpasses his son, who is considered a Quincy prodigy. [6] Due to keeping his physical prowess at it's peak, Ryūken can easily hold out against all but the most resilient opponents during a battle.

Ransōtengai (乱装天傀; lit. "heavenly wild puppet suit", "disheveled paradise puppet" in the Viz translation): A high level technique, known to be quite rare to ever be encountered. Ryūken is presumably well versed in the use of this ability, since he knows all Quincy techniques.

Hirenkyaku (飛廉脚; lit. "flying screen step/god step", "flying bamboo-blind leg" in the Viz translation): Ryūken is highly skilled in the use of the flying screen step, as he is with all Quincy techniques.

Last Quincy Status

Ryūken is able to use many Quincy techniques and items to augment his abilities, including presumably high-level techniques, which are rare in comparison to his son. This is caused by the fact that regardless of his personal wishes and intent, has inherited all Quincy abilities and techniques from his father, Sōken; After his passing, he has claimed the title of Last Quincy. Apparently he is now using the same, or a similar pentacle to Sōken's, though whether this has something to do with the title of Last Quincy remains to be seen.

Guru dari Ryuken, anaknya, dan Uryu, cucunya. Soken (Lahir tanggal 22 Maret) adalah seorang lelaki tua baik hati yang dikagumi Uryu. Ia dibunuh oleh hollow yang secara sengaja dikirim oleh Mayuri Kurotsuchi untuk risetnya. Kematian Soken adalah alasan utama mengapa Uryu membenci kaum shinigami.


Karakter-karakter Lainnya

  • Don Kanonji
  • Yuuichi Shibata [Sudah meninggal]
  • Midoriko Tōno
  • Sora Inoue [Sudah meninggal]
  • Yama, Mit, dan Toshi
  • Shigeo dan Harutoki
  • Raku, atau dikenal sebagai Karakura Lion Jet
  • Ganjyuu Shuba
  • Kukaku Shiba


Asauchi - Senjata tanpa nama yang digunakan oleh para Shinigami yang belum bisa mencapai nama Zanpakutou-nya sendiri, umumnya digunakan oleh para murid akademi. Asauchi tidak memiliki nama, dan lebih lemah daripada Zanpakutou yang sudah mencapai tahap Shikai karena tidak memiliki roh.

- Merupakan bentuk kedua dan terakhir dari Zanpakutou yang melepaskan kekuatan terkuat dari sebuah Zanpakutou. Karena pelepasan kekuatan yang sangat besar, umumnya roh dari sebuah Zanpakutou akan keluar dari dimensinya sendiri dan termaterialisasi ke dunia nyata. Dibutuhkan waktu bertahun-tahun, bahkan berdekade-dekade, bagi seorang Shinigami untuk memperoleh Bankai dan menguasainya.

- Manusia yang mempunyai kekuatan tertentu. Mereka tercipta karena kesalahan eksperimen yang terjadi di Soul Society, menyebabkan roh mereka tercampur dengan roh shinigami dan menciptakan suatu ras baru. Seorang Bount menggunakan senjata yang disebut Doll, mirip dengan Zanpakutou shinigami. Tapi jika Doll seorang Bount terbunuh, maka Bount tersebut juga akan tewas. Bount hidup dengan mengonsumsi jiwa manusia, baik yang telah mati atau yang masih hidup.

Central 46
- Badan pemerintahan tertinggi Soul Society, terdiri atas 40 orang bijak dan 6 orang hakim. Central 46 bertugas memerintah Rukongai dan Seireitei. Namun mereka tidak memiliki hak untuk mengatur Shinou Reijutsuin atau pun Ouzoku Tokumu.

- Dimensi yang terletak diantara dunia manusia dan Soul Society. Merupakan jalur yang harus dilewati untuk mengakses Soul Society tanpa Jigoku-chou. Jika gerbang menuju Soul Society tertutup ketika sedang melintasi Dangai, maka akan terjebak di Dangai selamanya.

Dai-rei Shokairou
- Secara bahasa berarti "Perkamen Gulungan Roh Agung". Berfungsi untuk mendata semua kegiatan yang terjadi di Soul Society, termasuk eksperimen-eksperimen yang dilakukan Departemen Penelitian.

- Roh plus yang memiliki Inga no Kusari yang sudah dalam kondisi buruk. Demi-Hollow dapat berubah menjadi Hollow kapan saja, walaupun proses ini umumnya akan memakan waktu beberapa bulan. Tapi jika Inga no Kusari-nya dicabut dengan paksa, maka proses perubahannya menuju Hollow akan dipercepat dengan drastis. Ketika prosesnya selesai, si Demi-Hollow akan langsung berubah menjadi Hollow dan dapat muncul di mana saja, membuatnya sulit untuk dideteksi.

- Alat yang digunakan oleh shinigami berupa semacam telepon genggam. Digunakan ketika berada di dunia manusia untuk menerima perintah dari Soul Society dan mendeteksi keberadaan Hollow.

Eishou Haki
- Istilah yang digunakan untuk menyebut teknik yang digunakan oleh Shinigami agar tidak perlu melafalkan mantra terlebih dahulu sebelum mengeluarkan Kidou. Secara literal memiliki arti "penghilang mantera".

- Wakil Kapten yang biasanya dipilih oleh para Taichou-nya, walaupun terkadang melalui tes. Fukutaichou melakukan tugas keseharian divisi dan bekerja bersama Taichou-nya. Jika Taichou berhalangan untuk melaksanakan tugas tertentu, maka Fukutaichou yang bertugas menggantikannya.

- Sebutan bagi para Numeros yang dipilih oleh para Espada sebagai bawahannya. Setiap Espada dapat memilih berapa jumlah Fraccion-nya masing-masing; mereka bisa memilih hanya satu orang atau justru sepasukan Numeros.

- Gerbang yang digunakan oleh para Arrancar untuk berpergian antara dunia manusia dan Hueco Mundo, bisa dikatakan Senkaimon-nya Arrancar. Hanya Arrancar yang bisa menggunakan Garganta, sementara Hollow menggunakan Kuumon. Seperti halnya Senkaimon yang tidak bisa digunakan untuk memasuki Hueco Mundo, Garganta juga tidak bisa digunakan oleh Arrancar untuk memasuki Soul Society.

- Tubuh manusia buatan yang dibuat dengan pencampuran Kishi dan Reishi. Biasanya digunakan oleh shinigami yang perlu tinggal sementara di dunia manusia. Ketika menggunakan Gigai, kekuatan Shinigami akan turun drastis, serta mereka dapat dilihat dan berkomunikasi dengan manusia biasa. Setiap pergerakan Gigai, termasuk lokasinya, yang digunakan Shinigami di dunia manusia selalu dipantau dan dideteksi oleh Soul Society.

Gentei Kaijo
- Izin yang diberikan oleh Seireitei yang memperbolehkan para Shinigami di dunia manusia untuk melepas Gentei Reiin-nya.

Gentei Reiin
- Segel yang terpasang di Shinigami ketika memasuki dunia manusia, yang berfungsi untuk menyegel kekuatan mereka hingga 20%. Ini berguna untuk mencegah Reiatsu mereka mempengaruhi lingkungan sekitarnya. Ketika Reiatsu seorang shinigami mempengaruhi lingkungan sekitarnya, maka akan ada kemungkinan akan timbul manusia dengan kekuatan spiritual yang berlebih; seperti halnya Ichigo yang mempengaruhi kekuatan spiritual teman-temannya.

Gokon Tekkou
- Sarung tangan merah yang digunakan untuk mengeluarkan roh seseorang dari tubuhnya. Memiliki lambang tengkorak yang dikeliling api berwarna biru di punggung tangannya. Seringkali digunakan oleh Rukia ketika berada di dunia manusia.

– Kemampuan seseorang untuk bertarung menggunakan tangan kosong.

- Merupakan sumber Reiryoku para roh. Terletak dibalik perlindungan Saketsu. Hakusui menyimpan segala Reiryoku yang dimiliki oleh seorang roh.

– Hohou merupakan teknik bergerak seseorang. Shunpo merupakan salah satu contoh teknik yang melibatkan Hohou.

- Hollow merupakan roh Plus yang telah kehilangan rantai roh-nya. Mereka ditandai dengan lubang di dada-nya, dan mereka memakan roh lain untuk mengisi kekosongan hati mereka. Walaupun begitu, sebanyak apa pun mereka memakan roh, mereka tetap tidak akan kehilangan rasa kekosongannya. Jika ada Hollow yang disucikan oleh Zanpakutou, maka ada 3 kemungkinan yang akan terjadi selanjutnya: dikirim ke Soul Society, dibersihkan dosanya dulu di Jigoku, atau langsung mengalami reinkarnasi. Hollow yang telah melepas sebagian besar topengnya maka akan dikenali sebagai Arrancar.

Hueco Mundo
- Dimensi yang terisolasi dari dunia luar dimana Hollow bertempat tinggal. Berbeda dengan Jigoku, Hueco Mundo bukanlah neraka, namun merupakan sarang dimana roh jahat tinggal. Hueco Mundo merupakan dataran padang pasir yang luas dimana tumbuh tanaman yang terbuat dari batuan kuarsa dan diselimuti oleh langit malam yang tanpa akhir. Hueco Mundo memiliki atmosfer Reiatsu yang berbeda dengan Soul Society maupun dunia manusia; Reiatsu pada Hueco Mundo bisa membuat para Hollow lebih kuat daripada di dimensi lainnya dan bisa membuat mereka lebih bisa menahan kelaparan untuk memakan roh. Manusia berkekuatan yang memiliki kekuatan mirip Hollow juga terpengaruh di sini.

Inga no Kusari
- Secara harafiah berarti rantai takdir. Merupakan rantai yang mengikat roh dengan tubuhnya.

- Neraka dimana para roh yang memiliki dosa sangat berat di dunia manusia terlebih dahulu dikirim kesini untuk disucikan dosanya sebelum bisa beristirahat dengan tenang di Soul Society. Jika ada Shinigami yang menyucikan Hollow yang berdosa sangat berat, Hollow tersebut tidak akan langsung terkirim ke Soul Society, tapi terlebih dulu masuk ke Neraka melalui gerbang neraka yang segera terbuka setelah si Hollow dikalahkan.

- Kupu-kupu neraka berwarna hitam yang lahir ketika Konsou dilakukan. Jigoku-chou bisa digunakan sebagai alat komunikasi antar shinigami, dan sebagai pengantar Shinigami melewati Senkaimon.

Kaizou Konpaku
- Roh buatan yang sempat diproduksi oleh Seireitei. Kaizou Konpaku dimasukan ke dalam Gikongan untuk substitusi Gigai, meskipun beberapa Kaizou Konpaku dibuat untuk menyediakan petarung-siap-pakai yang bisa melawan Hollow untuk mengurangi jumlah korban Shinigami yang tewas karena serangan mendadak. Produksi Kaizou Konpaku dihentikan karena dianggap tidak sesuai dengan moral, dan sebagian besar Kaizou Konpaku dihancurkan -- meskipun beberapa masih ada yang selamat (contoh: Kon).

- Pasukan penghukum yang ada di Soul Society. Melakukan eksekusi dan pembunuhan para kriminal shinigami melalui perintah langsung dari Central 46.

- Zanpakutou yang berada di Soukyoku. Digunakan untuk membunuh kriminal kelas berat, Kikouou mengambil wujud phoenix raksasa dan kekuatannya setara dengan jutaan Zanpakutou.

- Alat yang digunakan oleh para shinigami untuk memanipulasi ingatan manusia ketika mereka melihat Shinigami atau Hollow. Kiokuchikan yang digunakan oleh Rukia memiliki bentuk maskot kelinci (Chappy).

- Materi yang membentuk segala hal di dunia manusia. Bisa dibilang sebagai wadah partikel.

- Merupakan keluarga bangsawan yang tinggal di sekitar Seireitei. Tidak ada Kizoku yang tinggal di sekitar Rukongai, kecuali mereka yang sudah dikeluarkan dari garis keluarga bangsawan seperti halnya keluarga Shiba.

- Istilah yang digunakan untuk menyebut roh Plus yang telah berhasil sampai di Soul Society setelah meninggal. Shinigami biasanya tidak disebut sebagai Konpaku, dan dengan menyebut mereka begitu biasanya akan dianggap sebagai penghinaan. Konpaku umumnya merujuk pada roh yang tinggal di Rukongai dan tidak/sedikit memiliki kekuatan spiritual.

- Penyucian roh di dunia manusia yang merupakan tugas setiap Shinigami. Untuk melakukan proses ini, Shinigami mencap dahi seorang roh dengan bagian bawah gagang Zanpakutou-nya, kemudian roh tersebut akan terkirim ke Soul Society.

- Materi hitam yang membentuk dimensi Dangai. Segala jenis materi yang berada di dalam Kouryuu untuk waktu yang terlalu lama dapat terjebak untuk selamanya di Dangai.

- Makhluk tak bernyawa yang berada di dimensi Dangai yang berperan sebagai "pembersih". Memiliki bentuk seperti sebuah kereta api raksasa yang diselimuti oleh cairan hitam, segala roh yang terlindas olehnya akan terjebak didalam Kouryuu untuk selamanya.

- Ketika Menos Grande muncul di dunia manusia, maka Kuumon akan menimbulkan distorsi dan muncul di langit dunia manusia. Distorsi ini menandakan kemunculan Menos Grande, dan biasanya Hollow yang ada akan berkumpul ke arah Kuumon menjelang kemunculan Menos Grande.

Las Noches - Istana besar yang terletak di atas tanah berpasir Hueco Mundo. Merupakan tempat dimana para Hollow tinggal, atapnya berbentuk kubah dan dindingnya terbuat dari batuan kuarsa.

- Kemampuan yang hanya bisa digunakan oleh para Gillian untuk menolong sesama Hollow. Negacion mengelilingi target dengan sinar kuning berbentuk kotak yang mengisolasi target dari kontak fisik luar, kemudian tanah dibawah target akan bergerak ke atas, menuju lubang di langit yang telah dibuka oleh Gillian sebelumnya.

- Adalah sebutan bagi para Arrancar selain Espada. Numeros diurutkan berdasarkan kapan mereka dilahirkan sebagai Arrancar, dimana nomor 11 adalah yang paling tua, dan nomor-nomor berikutnya yang lebih muda. Seorang Numeros dapat dipilih sebagai Fraccion oleh Espada.

Onmitsu Kidou
- Badan militer Soul Society yang beroperasi secara rahasia. Memiliki spesialisasi dalam mata-mata dan eksekusi.

- Kunci kerajaan yang berguna untuk membuka jalan menuju Ouzoku berada.

- Keluarga kerajaan yang terletak di pusat dimensi Soul Society. Mereka sama sekali terisolasi dari dunia luar, dan hanya peduli terhadap lingkungan mereka sendiri.

Ouzoku Tokumu
- Pasukan pelindung yang melindungi keluarga kerajaan.

- Roh yang telah meninggalkan tubuhnya, atau bisa juga disebut sebagai roh dari orang yang telah meninggal. Plus merupakan roh yang belum berubah menjadi Hollow atau belum dikirim ke Soul Society, dan bisa dikenali dari Inga no Kusari yang terletak di dadanya. Jika terlalu lama berada di dunia manusia atau dimakan oleh Hollow, roh Plus dapat berubah menjadi Hollow. Beberapa roh Plus bisa merasakan keberadaan Hollow, walaupun kemampuan untuk merasakan Hollow mereka tidak sekuat Shinigami. Plus yang telah dikirim ke Soul Society terkadang tetap disebut sebagai Plus -- meskipun istilah ini sebenarnya tidak sepenuhnya tepat. Seorang Plus tidak bisa merasa lapar karena mereka tidak atau hanya mempunyai sedikit kekuatan spiritual. Roh yang bisa merasa lapar hanyalah roh yang mempunyai kekuatan spiritual berlebih seperti Shinigami dan Hollow.

- Merupakan ras manusia yang dibasmi oleh para shinigami ratusan tahun yang lalu. Mereka dapat melihat roh dan dapat membunuhnya, bukan mensucikannya seperti yang dilakukan shinigami. Sehingga setiap roh yang dibunuh Quincy akan hilang selamanya dari dunia. Senjata mereka berupa panah roh yang terbentuk dari Reishi, dan seperti Zanpakutou, tiap Quincy memiliki nama yang berbeda-beda untuk panah rohnya.

Quincy Cross
- Sebuah benda semacam rosario yang digunakan oleh para Quincy untuk membentuk panah rohnya. Tiap Quincy memiliki bentuk yang berbeda-beda, walaupun umumnya berbentuk tanda tambah atau salib.

- Tekanan spiritual. Merupakan manifestasi kekuatan roh, yang biasanya berwujud sebuah tekanan yang mengelilingi sumber Reiatsu tersebut berasal. Semakin tinggi Reiatsu, semakin kuat tekanannya. Reiatsu mempengaruhi kemungkinan seorang shinigami untuk mendapatkan wujud Shikai atau Bankai dari Zanpakutou-nya. Reiatsu bersumber dari Reiryoku.

- Hukum roh, peraturan yang harus dipatuhi para shinigami. Dibuat oleh Central 46 dan diterapkan di Soul Society.

- Visualisasi dari Reiatsu yang berupa pita. Disebut juga benang roh. Tidak seperti Reiatsu yang bisa dirasakan oleh semua roh, Reiraku hanya bisa dilihat oleh roh yang memiliki kekuatan tinggi. Reiraku roh biasa berwarna putih, sedangkan Reiraku Shinigami berwarna merah.

- Secara harafiah berarti kekuatan spiritual. Reiryoku adalah kekuatan yang diperoleh ketika seseorang menjadi roh, dapat dikatakan berfungsi sebagai stamina roh. Beberapa orang tertentu memiliki Reiryoku sejak kelahirannya. Reiatsu merupakan tenaga yang dipancarkan oleh seseorang yang memiliki Reiryoku.

- Partikel terkecil yang membentuk roh. Reishi tidak bisa dilihat oleh roh Plus biasa maupun makhluk hidup yang memiliki kekuatan roh rendah.

- Bagian dari Senkaimon yang berfungsi untuk mengonversi Kishi menjadi Reishi. Bisa digunakan oleh manusia biasa untuk mengakses Soul Society dengan mengubah tubuhnya menjadi roh, tapi dengan resiko harus memasuki dimensi Dangai terlebih dahulu karena ketiadaan Jigoku-chou.

- Tubuh spiritual, sebuah tubuh yang terbentuk ketika sebuah roh keluar dari tubuh fisiknya. Setiap roh memiliki Reitai yang terbentuk dari Reishi, termasuk Shinigami dan Hollow. Ketika sebuah roh di Soul Society meninggal, maka Reitai-nya akan terpecah dan mendiami Soul Society, sementara jiwanya akan melakukan reinkarnasi di dunia manusia dan ingatan lamanya akan terhapus. Jika ada roh yang Reitai-nya bercampur dengan roh lain, maka akan ada kemungkinan roh tersebut akan memiliki campuran 2 wujud roh tersebut, atau salah satu Reitai akan mendominasi Reitai baru tersebut.

– Area yang mengelilingi Seiretei, tempat dimana roh Plus tinggal. Rukongai sangatlah luas, dan secara umum terbagi menjadi 4 bagian: Utara, Selatan, Timur, dan Barat. Di tiap-tiap arah tersebut terbagi lagi menjadi 80 distrik, menjadikan total distrik di Rukongai sejumlah 320 distrik. Distrik yang semakin mendekati Seireitei umumnya lebih baik dan lebih aman, sementara yang semakin menjauh umumnya tidak terawat dan dipenuhi kriminalitas.

- Sebutan kepada orang atau roh yang melewati Soul Society atau Seireitei tanpa izin, dan dianggap menganggu kedamaian disana.

- Materi yang menghubungi Inga no Kusari. Arrancar, Shinigami, dan Hollow memiliki tempat Saketsu yang sama, yaitu di diantara dua tulang rusuk, atau ditengah dada. Saketsu melindungi dan meningkatkan kekuatan Hakusui para roh.

Seijou-tou Kyourin
- Ruangan khusus yang tersegel dimana Central 46 tinggal. Terletak diantara Senzaikyuu dan Soukyoku, tidak seorang pun diizinkan masuk atau keluar dari tempat ini terkecuali yang mendapatkan izin khusus.

– Area di Soul Society tempat Shinigami tinggal. Berbeda dengan Rukongai, area ini jauh lebih terawat dan tingkat kriminalitasnya lebih rendah. Seireitei dilindungi oleh dinding Sekkisekki dan terdapat 4 gerbang yang dijaga oleh shinigami, keempatnya berada sesuai dengan arah mata angin. Seireitei juga diselimuti oleh sebuah dinding tak terlihat yang tidak dapat ditembus oleh apa pun juga kecuali beberapa material yang mampu melawan Sekkisekki, seperti Negacion. Di pusat Seireitei terdapat sebuah bukit yang tinggi, dimana Soukyoku ditempatkan.

- Gerbang yang terdapat di Seireitei. 4 gerbang yang terdapat di empat arah, yaitu utara, barat, timur, dan selatan. Tiap gerbang dijaga oleh shinigami raksasa yang bisa membuka dan menutup gerbang-gerbang tersebut dengan mudah.

- Batuan yang sangat kuat yang bisa memblokir Reiatsu dan Reiryoku. Sekkisekki dapat memantulkan Reiatsu di satu sisi, namun di sisi satunya dia tampak seperti batuan biasa. Digunakan sebagai bahan dasar tembok yang mengelilingi Seireitei.

- Gerbang yang digunakan oleh para Shinigami untuk berpergian antara dunia manusia dan dunia roh. Diperlukan Jigoku-chou untuk menemani para Shinigami melewati gerbang ini. Seperti Garganta, Senkaimon tidak bisa digunakan oleh Shinigami untuk memasuki Hueco Mundo.

Senzaikyuu Shishinrou
- Lebih dikenal sebagai Senzaikyuu. Merupakan menara hukuman bagi kriminal shinigami kelas berat. Seluruh kekuatan dan Reiatsu si kriminal akan dikompres, sehingga ketika keluar dari tempat ini, kriminal tersebut akan merasa tidak memiliki Reiatsu. Hanya shinigami yang akan dihukum mati dengan Soukyoku yang diletakkan disini. Senzaikyuu terletak di pusat Soul Society, dengan dinding yang berwarna putih dan menjulang tinggi.

- Hakama dan gi hitam yang digunakan oleh para Shinigami. Secara bahasa berarti Dead Soul Garment, atau Pakaian Roh Orang Mati.

- Pelepasan wujud zanpakutou ke wujud aslinya.

- Pasukan pertahanan Soul Society yang tinggal di Seireitei. Bertugas untuk menyucikan Hollow, membawa roh Plus ke Soul Society, dan menjaga keseimbangan roh.

- Teknik bergerak cepat yang digunakan oleh para Shinigami. Shunpo merupakan metode yang bisa digunakan oleh para Shinigami dengan kemampuan Hohou yang tinggi.

Shinou Reijutsuin
- Akademi bagi para calon shinigami, yang dalam manga Bleach didirikan oleh Yamamoto Genryuusai Shigekuni lebih dari 2000 tahun yang lalu. Disini para murid akademi belajar dan berlatih ilmu Kidou, Zanjutsu, Hohou, Hakuda, dan ilmu yang diperlukan lainnya. Berisi berbagai macam roh, dari warga Rukongai hingga keluarga Kizoku.

- Tempat dimana shinigami dihukum mati, berupa dua pilar besar yang saling terhubung. Disini Kikouou akan diluncurkan untuk membunuh shinigami tersebut.

Soul Society
- Merupakan kehidupan setelah kematian dimana para roh tinggal. Soul Society terdiri dari 2 bagian: Rukongai yang dihuni oleh sebagian besar roh (roh biasa), dan Seireitei, tempat tinggal para Shinigami dan kaum bangsawan yang dilindungi oleh tembok Sekkisekki yang menjulang tinggi. Soul Society dapat diakses oleh para Shinigami melalui Senkaimon, dan roh Plus memasuki Soul Society melalui Konsou. Jika ada roh yang mencoba keluar-masuk Soul Society tanpa Jigoku-chou, maka dia harus melewati sebuah dimensi yang bernama Dangai. Soul Society diperintah oleh Ouzoku yang dilindungi oleh Ouzoku Tokumu; keduanya tidak pernah dilihat oleh roh mana pun. Di bawah Ouzoku, Central 46 bertindak sebagai badan judisial dan legislatif di Soul Society.

- Kapten yang memimpin suatu divisi di Gotei 13. Diantara anggota divisinya, mereka lah yang seharusnya yang terkuat.

- Shinigami yang memperoleh kekuatan Hollow dengan kekuatan Shinigami yang lebih dominan. Seorang Vizard memiliki penampilan tak ubahnya seperti seorang Shinigami biasa, bedanya mereka dapat mengeluarkan topeng Hollow yang dapat meningkatkan kekuatannya. Seorang Vizard tidak diterima di Soul Society karena dianggap telah memperoleh kekuatan Hollow yang tabu; tidak pula diterima di Hueco Mundo karena mereka mempunyai kekuatan Shinigami.

– Kemampuan seseorang untuk bertarung menggunakan Zanpakutou dan menguasai Zanpakutou miliknya (semacam swordmanship). Salah satu hal yang mempengaruhi kemungkinan Shinigami memperoleh Bankai selain kuantitas Reiatsu yang besar.


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